Roots with Wings, a Floyd County Place-Based Education Project:: Intergenerational Connections

Floyd Story Center

Since 1998, a community oral history collection partnership of the Old Church Gallery, Ltd., Radford University’s Center for Social and Cultural Research, Honors Program, Scholar-Citizen Initiative, Appalachian Regional and Rural Studies Center, and Floyd County High School. Our archives now hold over 100 interviews.

In our Roots with Wings project, college mentors, high school staff, and community volunteers meet weekly during the school year to teach the discipline of oral history collection.

Students learn ethical, methodologically sound interview techniques, practice and complete several interviews, transcribe the audiotapes, create searchable content logs, archive interviewee resources and period photographs, learn the technology of audio and video recording, research historical backgrounds, acquire proficiency in iMovie and storytelling, and finally extract a theme from an hour long interview to create a seven minute movie production.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Honors for our Mentors

CONGRATULATIONS to one of our program's graduating Radford University mentors. Ms. Mary Dickerson has garnered multi-honors: 
1) Dean's Scholar for the Social Science Major
2) Outstanding Student for the Appalachian Studies Minor
3) A Highlander Scholar (Honors Academy, graduating with Honors) whose Honors capstone project was presented in the Program for the RADFORD UNIVERSITY 22nd Annual Undergraduate/Graduate Student Engagement Forum. 

Capstone mentor: Dr. Melinda Wagner, Sociology (Cultural Anthropology)
Mary's winning paper "examines definitions, antecedents, methods, benefits, and obstacles associated with place-based education, as well as data from specific successful programs, and a case study of the Floyd County High School, Place-Based Education Oral History Project."
"Place-based education is an educational approach that draws on local history, culture, and environment as a curriculum source that serves to connect students to a community.  Place-based education allows students to participate in learning outside of a traditional classroom setting by using the available resources of a community."

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