Roots with Wings, a Floyd County Place-Based Education Project:: Intergenerational Connections

Floyd Story Center

Since 1998, a community oral history collection partnership of the Old Church Gallery, Ltd., Radford University’s Center for Social and Cultural Research, Honors Program, Scholar-Citizen Initiative, Appalachian Regional and Rural Studies Center, and Floyd County High School. Our archives now hold over 100 interviews.

In our Roots with Wings project, college mentors, high school staff, and community volunteers meet weekly during the school year to teach the discipline of oral history collection.

Students learn ethical, methodologically sound interview techniques, practice and complete several interviews, transcribe the audiotapes, create searchable content logs, archive interviewee resources and period photographs, learn the technology of audio and video recording, research historical backgrounds, acquire proficiency in iMovie and storytelling, and finally extract a theme from an hour long interview to create a seven minute movie production.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Summertime Review and Update

Post Semester Follow-up Work 

After a most successful student movie premier May 26th from our four "Community and Neighborhood" themed interviews (see our one-minute movie trailer! above), our staff, along with new volunteers Tim Smith (retired, Ohio University Library) and Shayley Martin (Floyd County High School student), set to work to finalize and archive the volume of data and media produced during the semester.   

Each transcript received four to five reviews to assure editing and formatting improvements for the final version.  We then printed the final transcript for each interviewee's presentation binder, also including DVDs of the two movies per interviewee with a slideshow of each person's personal photos and memorabilia, CDs of the 90 minute interview, printed images, and in some cases, DVD copies of interviewee-shared, vintage Super 8 video.  

       Here Mac Whitlock, Whitlock's Garage, 
is shown with a first look at his 2016 
Interview Presentation Binder - he looks pleased! 

blogpost: Kathleen Ingoldsby

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