Roots with Wings, a Floyd County Place-Based Education Project:: Intergenerational Connections

Floyd Story Center

Since 1998, a community oral history collection partnership of the Old Church Gallery, Ltd., Radford University’s Center for Social and Cultural Research, Honors Program, Scholar-Citizen Initiative, Appalachian Regional and Rural Studies Center, and Floyd County High School. Our archives now hold over 100 interviews.

In our Roots with Wings project, college mentors, high school staff, and community volunteers meet weekly during the school year to teach the discipline of oral history collection.

Students learn ethical, methodologically sound interview techniques, practice and complete several interviews, transcribe the audiotapes, create searchable content logs, archive interviewee resources and period photographs, learn the technology of audio and video recording, research historical backgrounds, acquire proficiency in iMovie and storytelling, and finally extract a theme from an hour long interview to create a seven minute movie production.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sweet and Sassy Exhibit Video Available

Dear Roots with Wings Friend, 
I hope you will have a chance to take a look at this video. 
Here is the link:  
The video profiles the The Old Church Gallery's 2019 exhibit, "Sweet and Sassy," featuring the innovative uses of feed sacks printed with colorful patterns by enterprising feed manufacturers from the 1920s into the 1950s.  Sales took off as thrifty farm women turned feed sacks into shirts, dresses, aprons, curtains, quilts, and stuffed animals.  

The video stars Old Church Gallery volunteers, Catherine Pauley, Clara Martin, Janet Slusher Keith, and Alice Slusher.  

We're offering the video with the permission of Floyd's Citizens Telephone Cooperative; it was created for their Community Show on cable television.  Hari Berzins is the producer of these terrific shows.  The video is 40 minutes long. 


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